Workshop Challenge Prep Work

As the theme for this week is collaborative work and partnerships, the task for this week is to explore partnerships, choose a topic and speak to a professional in the specific field outside the creative industry and ideally an expert in the field chosen. Out of the list provided, I chose to look at ways of reducing loneliness and isolation.

The first part of the task was to brainstorm some ideas related to the topic as well as people who can give some valuable insight on the topic, in this case – loneliness and isolation. I was thinking along the lines of counsellors, psychologists and was even considering teachers. I considered teachers as they work with children as well as get to know their parents in certain cases. That being said, I narrowed it down to writing to a local NGO – the Richmond Foundation and well as one of the leading psychiatrists on the island.

 A Brief Note of the Richmond Foundation

The Richmond Foundation is a non-governmental organisation that offers support for people experiencing from mental health problems and their families, throughout various aspects of life. Their services include therapeutic care as well as support group sessions and assisted living solutions.

Tomorrow, I will be speaking to Daniela Calleja Bitar, the Chief Occupations Officer of this organisation. I was very happy that they got back to me at such sort notice. At least my assignment schedule is somewhat on time still. I was a bit wary on who to. Speak to at first because I wanted to make sure that firstly, they are the right people to speak to, plus the fact that such people are very busy, as they are usually quite high up in the corporate ladder. I have already prepped the questions so to make sure that I am as well prepared as possible.

Fingers-crossed that everything goes well. I would probably need to translate the whole interview…


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One Comment


    […] I chose ‘reducing isolation and loneliness’. You can read the W.I.P. blog post here. I was a bit nervous prior to the call with Daniela Calleja Bitar – the C.O.O. of Richmond […]