This task is quite delayed. Hopefully I will get everything back on track soon. So for the essay project, I went for the second proposal, titled What Goes ON in the Shadows, which is an exploration of the crime scenario in Malta. I decided to go with this one simply because I think that people would be more interested in reading it. They are more likely to trigger their curiosity. What happened? What goes on in Malta after dark?

As part of this study I also conducted a survey where participants were asked (amongst other things) whether they think Malta is generally safe. Initially I was going to look at cold cases, but I figured that there is a lot of information about such cases already and also I was not planning to look at statistics that date back that far in time.

Below is the link to the essay in text format. Hope you enjoy reading it.

As part of this task, we also had to create a moodboard to show what design style are we adopting to showcase the final project for this brief. As one can see from the board and considering the theme of the essay, I am considering something along the lines of a dossier or evidence file, but with a bit of a grungy edge. Have a look at the board below.


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One Comment

  • Design and Critique: My stint at Self-Publishing – Lindsay Aquilina – Graphic Designer

    […] weeks, my essay was about the crime scenario in Malta (check out the elevator pitch here and essay here). As seen in my previous blog posts, I wanted the final publication to look handmade, sort of an […]