We’re Halfway there… BUT NOT LIVING ON A PRAYER… YET!

No I’m not singing to Bon Jovi’s song “Living On a Prayer”. Just thinking out loud. I cannot believe that it has been over six weeks since I started this course, and now everyone is well under way to preparing the final submission. Feels like a relay race from week to week: Lecture, blog post, reading, blog post, brainstorm, melt down, blog post, workshop challenge.

I did not expect it to be this intense, however I am enjoying every second of it, even if there are times were I do not understand fully first time round and the mini-melt down I have every Monday when my brain decides to take a hike. However, as intense as it is, I prefer having the most intense modules at the beginning for a course, rather than at the end. This way it helps in switching on the creative engines, and helps in being quick at generating substantial ideas. I know that in a few months time, all of us will be glad that this has happened. Personally, at the moment it feels like I am sprinting, or running on a tight rope and I am going to fall at any given moment and it gets really stressful at times, even though I am aware of the long term benefits.

Also, I am a bit overwhelmed with the final document that we have to submit. I am concerned because I am already tight with time, and also because I really do not want to leave something out that in the end might turn to be important. Already had this discussion with the tutors. They told all of us that the grade should not the main driver, but rather it should be curiosity that drives us. But then again, a distinction is better than a pass.

I guess in this case, let the grades, curiosity and a healthy dose of iron pumping fuel the adrenaline and put my brain into overdrive. Onwards and upwards! We can conclude with Bon Jovi here I guess after all… enjoy all! And always remember to stay awesome.


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