Ways of Collaboration – Brainstorming and Self-Reflection

We’re quite quite close to the finish line for the second brief of this module. Time is whizzing past us. I have had some issues with naming the collaborative tool that I am planning to present. Bounced around ideas for quite a bit, and I feel like I am running out of time. In addition to this, work is a bit stressful the moment because of tight deadlines. Hoping that this does not last very long. More or less, I had a couple of ideas for collaborative tools. The idea was to create a virtual world for creative people where they can interact and well as find opportunities for collaboration.

Picking a Name for this ‘Tool’…

Between research and rough sleep, I remembered about the Deutscher Werkund that the lecturer used to mention a lot back in art school. This Deutscher Werkbund was an association of artists, designers, architects and writers founded in Germany in 1907. This associated was pivotal in what we know as Graphic Design today – they contributed in the founding of the Bauhaus School. I figured that this association was really relevant in this week’s topic, and even the literal translation of ‘werkbund’ is indeed ‘association’ or ‘federation’ (modern German translation is now ‘verband’) and an association’s main role is to work together, i.e. collaborate. So that was it – Werkbund.

Visualising Werkbund

Now that I have a name, I of course needed to design a logo for it. Given that the deadline was not on my side this week, I had to really get things moving. I thought of using a wireframe lettering style that slowly started being filled with colour. The idea behind it to show the collaborative process – the wireframe is the starting phase of a project and the gradient the progress to completion.

The next challenge is to create a mockup of this project. I have no knowledge of 3D software nor did I have time to watch tutorials. I set looking up existing apps as well as basic 3D software that helps in creating mockups. This is where I discovered Adobe Dimension. Never came across it before and turned out to be my lifesaver for this project this week. Found a couple of two good tutorials and got to work in putting together this project presentation.

Moving Through This Module…

It has been an interesting module so far. Quite demanding, but I learned a lot, especially from the business aspect of things. Trying my best to keep up with the deadlines and always be active on the Ideas Wall. Lately, I was derailed a bit because I was busy at work and had errand in the evening, but I want to sort out everything this week. Even the PDF is coming along. Finished Brief one last weekend. Planning on getting a couple more weeks included by the end of this week as well. Hopefully, nothing major happens in the coming weeks so that I do not have to rush through everything in the last week of this module. This time round we do not have mid-term holidays in between… those came in quite handy in the last module.


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