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The Literature Review Framework

As I am doing my research and reading through various resources, the more I am realising that I know very little on the subject. In addition to this, there are various elements that come into play when it comes to language learning, expatriation and how it ties in with social inclusion, economic impact… there are numerous topics that come into play. I am happy that I can find a lot of information on all of these topics. The challenge come in when I have to connect these arguments and present my own argument in the literature review.

As part of this phase’s task was to review our initial proposal, and since my target audience changed a bit, it made sense to go over the whole document. In addition, I added a ‘history and theories’ section in it, where I briefly described some of the background research that I did on language learning and Malta’s demographics. Whilst I was writing it, it made me realise more how my topic can be expanded into various themes, but in spite of that, I still could not fully wrap my head around the literature review structure.

Deciding on the ‘Themes’ structure

Since I have not written a literature review since I graduated from Art School, I figured the best way to go about this is to just look up some guide articles in relation to this topic. I found a very useful article n Scribbr: not only it explains the purpose of a literature review, but it also has some step-by-step guides and tips on how to write your own. Following this quick read, I figured that the best way to go about this literature review was to split it in themes. The themes I came up with are the following:

  • Change in Malta’s Demographics
  • Benefits of Language Learning + what is happening in other countries
  • Diminishing Language, in relation to Maltese
  • Existing teaching methods and practices
  • Language learning and proficiency in adults
  • Language Learning and Expat Families (not a lot of info is available)

Currently, they are not in any specific order. I figured that as the project progresses, I can see better what the best order to present these themes in the literature review is.

Moving Forward

Apart from the literature review, we have the case study presentation to work on, something that I still have to look at also as it is due for next Thursday. I should have it under control though. I am hoping that people I contacted would write back also. It would be of great help to hear from them.


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One Comment

  • Getting Started on this (Much Delayed) Literature Review – Elaborating the Framework – Lindsay Aquilina – Graphic Designer

    […] as it helped me in going about the literature review bit by bit (you can read more about this here), however I was still quite behind in terms of reading. On top of that, I was focused on the […]