The Designer as Author: Workshop Challenge Part 2

The second part of this week’s challenge was to come up with a series of ideas that can potentially be developed into projects. Given that these ideas can be referred back to as later on during the course for the final project, I thought of varying my ideas and attempt to come up with ideas that can produce multiple outcomes.

Below please find the final 10 ideas I shortlisted from my notes:

  • The Impact of Automation in Design –

Still do not know yet what the outcome can be for this one. It would definitely yield a lot of good research material, however it is not clear what a tangible outcome can be something like an app or lines of codes would be interesting.  

  • The Psychology of Typography –

As opposed to the previous idea, this can be presented in a lot of different media. It can be a book, a poster… even installations.

  • The World of Cryptography –

I have always been fascinated by the idea of ciphers and puzzles. This is one of my favourite ideas. This idea can also branch out into a work of fiction. Books and posters are very good outcomes, but given how vast the topic is, I think it is worth exploring other media that go beyond the conventional ones.

  • The Latinised Semitic Language –

I mentioned this title earlier in this course. The study of languages is also very interesting. And when it comes to Maltese, it is truly interesting. As it is a language that is built on numerous influences from various different languages.

  • Fashion Stereotypes –

The idea behind this to show how people tend to perceive someone’s personality based on the way they dress.

  • Life in the 90s –

It is another title where I am not sure what the final outcome will be. The 90s were an interesting decade. It is where the analogue met the digital and in there was a lot of change in various countries across Europe. It is a bit of a wide subject, but maybe if I narrow it down, maybe it is feasible.

  • Iconic Slogans / Satirical Art –

Satire is very popular in Malta. Everyone laughs a joke soaked in political references. The research part might need a little bit of digging in order to populate it, but there is a lot of source material out in the wild. Posters and cards would make really cool pieces of art.

  • Promoting Less Popular Touristic Areas –
    Malta is a touristic country, however it is always the same couple of areas that are promoted. Back in the first module, we had to go and collect evidence and pictures of our hometown. As part of the outcome we had to produce some form of artefact, to which I created a stamp. It would be interesting if a set of stamps is produced with artworks inspired from different towns and cities across Malta.
  • The Underground Music Scene in Malta –

The music scene is an up and coming one in this island. There is definitely a lot of source material for it. A magazine (ideally printed) would be interesting for a project like this. Also, a friend of mine manages a blog regarding this subject. Maybe I can also reach out to him for some primary sourcing.

  • What’s in A Name?

This idea is an exploration of the etymology of Maltese surnames. Some have quite interesting roots. There is a publication that covers this already, but it is incredibly dull. Also, I think that this project allows a lot of experimentation with illustration.

These are the outcomes for this week’s challenge. I am also sorting out the final submission documents before the final submission week. I am not exactly a fan of last-minute hasty projects and leaving everything to the last minute. And since recently, I am stirring away from as much unnecessary stress as I possibly can. Roll over next week…


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