Populating Pages, Listing Functionalities and Identifying Possible Limitations

Building the Pocket Tutor Website is proving to be an interesting and fun endeavor, even if there is still quite a bit of groundwork that needs to be done. After jumping a few hurdles, I am faring quite well with TypeDream. I finished the Home and About pages, most of the ‘Quick Guides’ page and started working on the Syllabus pages. I also bought the domain: pocket-tutor.net .

So far, it has been a very good experience indeed. I am focusing on making sure the content is clear, and the website pages are connected seamlessly to one another. So it is more of a question that by the time of the submission, the prototype is “beefed” up.

Possible Limitations

Whilst I am very happy with how Pocket Tutor is turning out, I am becoming aware of certain limitations of how I can incorporate certain functionalities within the site. My main concerns are the Library and the Dictionary.

For the Library, it is more about how I can make it more interactive as opposed to simply uploading a video with me reading with subtitles at the bottom. So, that would require some thought and thorough research. In addition, book for older children do not contain as many images, so that is still a question of simply incorporating the text in two languages with an audio track. Then at the same time, I do not want it to make it so complex for the user that they would need a powerful internet connection or to the point that uploading new content regularly is almost impossible.

Another limitation I am concerned about is the dictionary. It is a core functionality and I have not figured out how I can implement it. I do not even know how to build it to begin with. I know that I would require a database with words, but that is only the beginning. Building and implementing it in the website are two separate learning curves altogether. I would need to prioritise my work accordingly so as not to jeopardise my time in this final week.

Other Updates

To make my life a bit easier, I have started the PDF already – I got to the Front and Inner cover so far in terms of design, but I have quite a substantial amount of the text that I would be including in it. I have realised that when I am in a rush, I either babble to much or start cutting corners. So, get as much of it out of the way as possible while I can think straight.

I am happy how things are turning out in the end. I probably should have been more productive in the beginning of summer, but sometimes my brain simply says no. Hopefully the end-product will be a success as I am planning for it to be.


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