my ‘ABOUT’ Page: Week 1 Workshop Challenge

The Process

The challenge for the first week of the module consists of drafting an ‘about’ page, like a sort of elevator pitch of ourselves as designers who own a design business. Seems fitting given that it is also the beginning of the module and a lot of different groups are merging together. The first part of the exercise was to look at ‘about pages of other companies which you can read about it here. The second part is making our own.

As mentioned in previous posts, I referred to Simon Sinek’s presentation about the Golden Circle with the questions ‘what?’, ‘how?’ and ‘why?’ which cane in very handy at the concluding part of the exercise. As cliché as it sounds, for this exercise I simply got my trusty sketchbook and sat down writing and pondering on my thoughts that I have bouncing around in my head. I started off with the obvious: name, age, location. Then moved on to how I see myself as a designer. Can be described as a list of values to an extent.

Given that this brief will lead up to writing our own business plan in the end, I thought that might as well treat myself as ‘a business’. So, I did a S.W.O.T. analysis of myself and the result are these:

It did not get me that far, but at least it started to get some wheels turning. I built up on it by repeating the same procedure with different questions. I asked myself the following questions:

  • Where I am?
  • What I want?
  • What are my career aspirations?
  • What I do not want?

Re-wording the question made it easier to put my thoughts in order and also helped in creating a framework for the ‘about’ paragraph. The last thing I did before typing in the draft is write it by hand. I find it easier to write it down first then type it, at least the first draft. Probably because by brain and my hands are working at the same speed. Below I am sharing my final draft for this task.

Final Draft

Hi, my name is Lindsay and I am a graphic designer based in Malta… who also likes music and loves festivals. I love branding and typography. That being said, I do not turn away a project that offer a new and exciting challenge.

I am currently half-way through my Master Degree course in Graphic Design. Prior to that I attended the Malta College for Arts, Sciences and Technology where I graduated in Graphic Design and Interactive Media. Which is what brings us here today. I have always liked the thrill of the opening of a festival and when an act goes out on stage. And knowing that I, as a designer can contribute to such a spectacle and success, is an empowering feeling.

  • What? –  I want to create a one-stop-agency that caters for clients involved or are interested in entering show and entertainment business.
  • How? – By structuring a well-planned design strategy that is specific to the client’s requests and needs that guarantees a successful result that is professional and on trend.
  • Why? – Apart from being a design, I am also part of the target market, which gives me an advantage as I can get a clearer picture of what the client wants.

As a graphic designer living in the 21st century, where consumerism is booming, I think that research is a very important part in every project. Design process vary from one project to the other, but the fundamentals are the same. Research and sketching… my sketchbook is my number one tool.

Apart from being a graphic designer, I enjoy reading thrillers, I practice archery, and am an avid gym goer. I also like to collect quirky socks and still watch cartoons. And yes, I rarely turn down a good party, and I listen to all music genres in varying measures.


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