Marsaskala or Wied il-Ghajn – Final Result

After a few delays, I finally completed the task for the second week of this module. Result turned out to a synthwave inspired artwork. I was not intending on digitising the final artwork, but after getting on Illustrator, I got a bit carried away. It was worth the time and effort indeed.
Following the research of the previous week, I wanted to capture the lost vibe of this town. It used to be livelier. In summer there are still more people visiting than winter, as it is a coastal village, but in winter it dies out. Moreover, I looked at Graphic Design works from the early 90s. I picked this decade as the height of the nightlife in Marsaskala was during that time.
On a different note, I also wanted to show the different versions of the name. They differ greatly from Maltese to English and are not a translation of each other and yet when using either version, people will know to which place you are referring to. This is why I used to different yet complementing lettering styles to create my final piece.
Really had fun working on this week’s exercise. It would be cool to do it on different towns and cities and see what the end result would be. Below I have shared to two lapse videos of me creating the letterforms on Illustrator.