12. New Steps


My Macbook’s first masterpiece

Last workshop challenge for this module. I have to admit, I am relieved. It was an intense twelve weeks, and could use sometime to catch my breathe. Anyways, this week, we looked at Graphic Design in relation to other areas of knowledge, such as Science, Literature and Journalism. It took me awhile to get my head round this week’s task (read all about it here) but after stumbling on a software called Processing, I knew that this is my solution to this week’s challenge.

Meanwhile, I was also reading how computers are being used to decode styles and define authorship of unknown literary and artistic works. In addition, I was looking as Computer-Generated Art – the one that is created through code. It is very interesting and I liked it because it combines creativity as well as logic. Reminded me of Technical Drawing classes back in college. At this point, my ideas were still a bit of a mish-mash of things floating around my head…. till I read this article:


I have no knowledge in coding, so at first I was still a bit lost and jittery for fear that I will not manage to submit in time. So I just dived into watching tutorials and coping lines of code and see what happens. These are some of the experiments I made whilst following the tutorials.

Amongst other things, the article explained how computers were being used to recreate works of art in different artistic styles. So I thought, “what if I can make my computer paint pictures, like an artist?”. And that was it, I looked up some more tutorials, and found a lot of source material, and set out to create this “function” (or “sketch” as they are referred to in Processing) and came up with this:

Now my Macbook can paint magnificient impressionist paintings.

If I had the time, I would have liked to make something like a web app where you can upload any image and get the painting effect. But considering the time frame and the fact that I learn Java overnight, I say it is a success story.

Never in a million years would I have thought that i would learn how to write code and make something actually work. It was a very interesting and fun way to end a module. Now concluding the PDF and hopefully will have some rest.

See you in January!


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