Just an Update

I have not posted as much as I would have liked in this last module. I need to commit myself a bit more to documentation in this last module, but I have been doing a lot of thinking and reading about this subject.

As the end is approaching, I need to start working on the actual design of the deliverable whilst there is time to explore options and look into the best UI practices. That said, I am concerned about the nature of the content in the platform itself. I might be looking at this from a very bad angle, but as much as I have the goal set, that of guiding parents on what the child is learning so that they can help their children with Maltese language homework, I do not want this to turn into another ‘teaching app’ nor do I want it to be a complete translation of the school curriculum ad verbatim.

Recalling the conversation that I had with my colleague and also thinking back on the conversations we used to have offer coffee at the office (maybe I should go to work from the office again after all) it was mentioned a couple of times how it would be great if books were bilingual. Some form of translator will definitely feature in this app/website – still have to work that one out as well – but I do not want it to be simply a translator app. Maybe a moodboard and a collation of what is already out there will help me in clearing up all this fuzz.

As for research, I managed to find some very detailed documents regarding the Maltese language syllabus, starting from Kindergarten all through the 6th Grade. There are even some teaching tools available, which should give me an idea of the kind of content children would be using at school. I was also lucky enough to find the lists of books for ‘obligatory reading’ and ‘supplementary reading’. These should definitely help in giving me a better picture of the language level the children would be at.

Lastly, I got round to writing the findings from that survey I had set up last month. As mentioned in the Survey Analysis, Although I got 30 responses in total, I would have liked if there were more parents in the total, although I managed to get some valuable information still.

Moving forward, I should start working on some mood boards and drafting the introduction of the critical report. I would like some proper feedback on it. Last thing I need is to ruin my final mark because I left out an important part of the report. Phase 4 should begin in the end of this month, and I would like to be prepared.


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