It’s Been a Month Already…

Time is practically flying by… improving on my time management skills, and my creative juices are not failing me so far. Currently working on the final parts of my outcome for one of the challenges. Read more about #NOFILTER here. I’m really enjoying this course. It is giving me some space were I can test out some ideas and push boundaries. If only I had more time to focus solely on the studies.

My next goal is to work on prioritising tasks and consider the timeframe I have to work on the response for each week. This project took more time than expected. As I mentioned in a previous blog post, I did some thorough research regarding the psychology of the self, as I had very little knowledge regarding the topic, and that took quite some time. In addition, I struggled a little with coming up with a good idea for the final outcome. I have to admit though, my idea may have been a bit of an overkill, as I did not manage to finish the concept by the end of the week. Good thing that this week is not as intense… hopefully.


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