I Decided on a Title and Possibly a Path

I am going with the title related to the Maltese language. Now the next hurdle was to decide on which creative direction should I take this, and I needed to decide this as I needed to consolidate my title soon so I can get moving on with the framework of this project.

In the last couple of days, I emailed an NGO called L-Akkademja tal-Malti, (The Maltese Academy). This entity essentially takes care of the promotion and positioning of the Maltese language in various aspects of life in general. I also posted a question on a Facebook group that discusses topics regarding the Maltese language also, where I asked what kind of learning resources are out there for expats to learn Maltese. In the meantime, since I was stick stuck at a crossroad, I thought of writing down a number of possible deliverables that can be applicable to this project. This helped in getting a better picture on the possible directions I can take. I was considering writing relevant research questions for these ideas as well, but I ended up repeating myself over and over again.

Getting Responses and Making a Decision

As it turns out, there are more resources than I thought. Classes are offered by different entities, some against payment but others are completely free. Also, I discovered a website that covers grammatical notes of the Maltese language. At first, I was considering that for my final outcome I would create something of the sort, however, since it is out there, I decided against it. Felt like it is too much of a rip off. To which I then decided to focus more on the marketing aspect of Maltese language learning, and in return I could decide better on the title:

“How Can Expatriates Benefit when Learning The Maltese Language, even Though English is also an Official Language?”

I also managed to gather some possible useful contacts that might come in handy over the next eight months of the course.

Next Steps

Now that I have decided on the direction I am going with, I should probably start working on the proposal itself, and paying close attention on articulating my arguments clearly to avoid any misinterpretations. I think that the title is pretty clear and understandable. I also need to email the Akkademja tal-Malti again as when I emailed them the first time, my thesis topic was a bit vague, I had not decided that I am aiming towards marketing by then. I think now it is a question of starting to piece the puzzle together. Possibly start working on some form of timeline of the project as well.


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