Globalisation and its Effects on DesigN: Part 1

As new technologies are released to the general public, accessing information, calling a friend and even hosting a meeting, can be done in the comfort of our own home. The world has truly become one global city. Globalisation has also affected the way people think and behave, as they are exposed more to different cultures. This also applies to us creatives. As empathetic and expressive people, being exposed to a myriad of information affects the way we produce work and also our end product.

Following a series of interviews were designers were asked how do they think Globalisation is affecting them, they had varying opinions in this regard. Some view these effects of globalisation positively whilst others not so much. On the positive side, globalisation makes it easier for more collaborations, sharing of ideas as well as more inspiration because of the sharing of cultures. Moreover, with regards to online meetings, Tom Finn and Kristoffer Soelling from Regular Practice see that online meetings tend to be more productive than face-to-face meetings as most of the time online meetings are limited with time and require more prior planning, hence one has to make the most during that online meeting. In addition, globalisation has provided designers the chance to showcase their work as well as worldwide recognition. As stated by Sarah Boris, globalisation has given her a lot of opportunities and new ways of thinking.

On a different note, some argue that globalisation may have effected the way people interact with each other. Technology makes human interaction artificial, which is why humans still seek and respond better when interacting face-to-face. Sam Winston also highlights the fact that due to globalisation, most of the time designers have to compromise between creativity and production to as to supply the demand in time whilst keeping costs reasonable.

In spite of all this, designers all agree to an extent that globalisation has a positive impact on the design industry. It has opened doors to new opportunities for work, discussion and inspiration. Also, the fact that we are all connected makes way for the creation of a world that is beautiful to look at as well as to live in – one large exhibit.


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