Getting Into Gear: Further Experimentation and Prototype

As per usual, after sketching, it is time to start digitising. As already mentioned in the previous posts, I went around different areas of Malta and took pictures and build ‘stock library’ of different landmarks, buildings and anything I came across that may come in handy for this upcoming project. In addition, I spent some time watching a couple of Photoshop tutorials to see what the best way to go about creating these ‘retro-futuristic’ scenes is. I still ended up improving for the most part, but I did learn a couple of new tricks from the videos. I discovered the perks of the Colour Mixer Panel.

It has been a while since I did some serious photo editing, so I took full advantage and had some fun with the photos and changing colours and things like that. The following are two of the experiments I tried prior to getting onto the actual stamp designs.

The following is the design of the first stamp of the collection. It represents the City of Kalkara. I also shared with you the photos I used in the collage so that one can compare them to the design. The photos used are a street sculpture (shame there is no name linked to it) the Esplora Science Centre and part of the Cottonera Lines bastions.

What I want to achieve with this design a vibrant lively feeling to the viewer. Reason being is that many of these cities, especially in the southern part of Malta, are often overlooked or else associate with historical events. They are often perceived as oversized museum exhibits rather than actual towns and cities that people live in. This first design to a while to put together and complete, probably more than I anticipated. However, the following ones should not take as long, given that I have an idea of what tools to use in order to achieve the desired effect. In conjunction to this, I am considering sketching out the ideas thoroughly, instead of simply making notes, so I do not waste time in finding the “perfect” photo and change my ideas as I go along.


Depending on how this project turns out, I would love to see whether it would actually be possible to produce these designs as actual stamps, or at least learn how I can get involved in the design of a stamp if anything. Should this not be the case, the designs can still be produced as stickers or prints. As a design it is quite versatile. Should keep in mind the resolution of the images…


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