Gathering Feedback from Peers and Client – Workshop Challenge Part 2

As per usual, the crit sessions are hosted to gather peer feedback and also feedback from our ‘client’; in this case: John Stack from the Science Museum. Preliminary feedback is very important as it helps in paving the way to any given project.

My upcoming project, although I know that I am creating an app, the app content is still a bit hazy. I was aware of it and was brought up by the peer and Stack alike. Starting off with the feedback from the peers, on the whole it was very positive and constructive feedback. They agree that the first step in the app, the ‘cue’, is very important to get the user’s attention and attain user attrition as well as accessibility of the app.

‘Explore the [first step] in an abstract way’. It was an interesting point that struck me in the peer feedback. I am definitely trying to include interesting features, but yeah, I definitely need to think more and broaden my thoughts on that one. Since there is room for exploration, I should take the opportunity. They were also interested and urging me to explore further the concept and trend of ‘meditative spaces’. I would like to delve deeper into this too, but I do not think that I will be prioritizing it, simply because that the top priority is to make an engaging platform for the archive. That being said, one should not omit the option from being a future plan.

Lastly, I am well aware, and it was mentioned in the feedback as well, I need to distill my ideas and see what is feasible in the upcoming three weeks. Reason being that I would also need some time for people to test the app and gather feedback as it is for a very wide audience.

You can read the full feedback report here:

Good reference points. Good observation that the digital archive is a separate entity to physical space. Own curated content (cats??) that be tailored to your own interests. Print objects archived too… print + digital. Collect your own archive. Upload your image into the archive is a good interaction tool.

Home / first step is very important. How do you make this engaging? Interactive? Group sharing + visual / illustrative approach is a good starting point for the homescreen / first step. Explore this in an abstract way. I like how you’re exploring non-museum references, such as performance art. Could this be printed? Live event? The idea of randomly making an image is a good point of direction. I like how this cloud feel contemporary for a younger audience.

Good reference, Good point of reference regarding engaging and accessible,i like the reference you used on meditative space and also how people of 20 and 30 want togetherness,good ideas and creating an app based on what you said,a lot of ideas and interesting good concepts.

It’s great that you have touched on the emerging trends with your mood board. The top right image is particularly striking with youngsters that are together probably sending each other a selfie yet they are together. We can see that you have done a lot of research. I like that you’ve focused on museums that are wide ranging as your initial research. I like the way the google arts artefacts are stacked digitally as though they were physical objects. Nice focus of your brief to be engaging and accessible. Desktop app, or a PWA that works as a website? Yoga in a museum is fun.

Feedback and Remarks from John Stack

The feedback from John Stack was quite helpful. It was similar to the feedback given from the fellow students of the cohort, but more elaborate. He was interested in the idea that I was looking at the initial cues to generate content as well as the meditative spaces. It was a very interesting point that he made – it can even be created on a television in a living room. Which is true. With smart tv these days, one can easily just switch to a web browser and log on to the specific website and just leave it running while one goes about his or her day.

In addition, he also mentioned the importance of giving ‘hints’ as to how the app is generating the content. Some people might find it fascinating but others might find it rather intrusive – the fact that the app is taking data and using it to generate the content based on the date and time, the weather or something of the sort. He elaborated quite a bit on this and also shared a couple of examples of visual content generating websites.

Lastly, just like the peer feedback, he also remarked that my ideas need to be filtered more and prioritise on feasibility.

All in all…

It was a very good exercise, discussing things as a group is not as easy as being in a classroom, now more than ever. I am excited and nervous at the same time with this project. I am walking into uncharted territories, and although, I did work with UI from time to time, I am not as confident as I am in layout and branding, so it is going to be a learning curve for me as well. I just need to get my nerves to calm down and focus on the here and now. Baby steps. Consistency, time-management and a couple of tutorials is a good place to start.


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