Photo by Anna Shvets on colleagues discussing details of project on meeting

Further Refinements and Building that ‘Question Bank’…

colleagues discussing details of project on meeting
Photo by Anna Shvets on

Managed to get some valuable feedback from last week’s webinar and peer-to-peer meeting, So far, I am quite happy with the way the project is being received, from peers and tutors alike. The next steps at this point are to finalise the proposal document prior to submission. As it was highlighted in the last meeting, the question might require some further refinements, but having the gist of the question clear is already very good.

Refining the ‘Logistics’ section

As mentioned in previous posts, part of the proposal document requires an outline of the logistics of the project – how are we planning on going about the project given the timeframe for this module. I was working on it last week, and I have found that the best way to present it is by using the same ‘phases’ structure that we are using for the course. The first draft is complete, but I think that it needs to be broken down further, to make it as detailed as possible.

As you can see in the image above, it is rather lengthy at the moment. I am looking into simplifying it a bit more, break it down in more points and make it more concise. That said, I still am having some issues with the later stages of the project. As I do not have a final deliverable in mind yet, it is a bit difficult to plan those phases. For the time being I am keeping it generic and including as much points as I can in the section. However, the plan is subject to, and probably will, change.

Preparing for the Next Steps

In conjunction to concluding this proposal document, I started brainstorming some questions that I can ask to various entities and people in the coming weeks to get better insight on the topic in question. Along with the contact list that I compiled, I compiled these questions and created a question bank. I am currently just putting down any question that comes to mind. As I am planning on conducting a survey and even send out some emails for potential interviews, this question bank will help me a lot.

At this point, I think that the best thing to do is to await formal feedback from the tutors, and upon receiving the feedback, I think I will have a clearer picture of how I will be going about this project.


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