Design and Critique: My stint at Self-Publishing

This task was quite overdue, but finally managed to put it together. Following up from the previous weeks, my essay was about the crime scenario in Malta (check out the elevator pitch here and essay here). As seen in my previous blog posts, I wanted the final publication to look handmade, sort of an evidence file of an investigation.

I really like these unconventional publications. Even traditional books that include something simple as a fold-out, it already makes it more interactive in its simplicity. With this publication, whilst I wanted to shed more light on the topic in question, I wanted to convey that ‘dark’ and ‘secretive’ kind of vibe. In addition, different textures of paper (the thicker cardboard of the manila folder in comparison to the sheets and Post-It notes inside) give different sensations, giving also a tactile experience to the reader. In ideal circumstances, it would be interesting if the actual publications would be withered slightly and packed in zip-lock bags prior to being distributed. Below is the final product and a mockup of how it would look like if produced.

Below is the final product and a mockup of how it would look like if produced.

  • Front cover

As for the launch… – Promoting, Funding and Launching methods for the What Goes in the Shadows essay

Given the limited market, the book publication business in Malta is very healthy. For my publication, I am thinking of launching it round the time for Malta’s National Police Day (12th July) and the International Day for Social Justice (17th July). I think that these two dates will do well as a springboard to launch my publication online. As for funding, I am considering crowdfunding. However, I want to make sure that I can cover the expenses myself should the crowdfunding does not work. The funds will cover editing, promotion fees and printing. Promoting it on television is also an option. In Malta talk shows that discuss current affairs are quite popular, as well as shows that showcase various local talent from different fields, so a spot on either one of these would give the publication a good boost.


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