5. Thoughts on Ideas

Creative Logic – My Way of Thinking In a Line Drawing

Following the research on how the brain works and thinking models, we had to produce a line drawing that reflects our way of thinking in relation to our findings. Based on my findings I could link my thinking process to two thinking models, namely Six Sigma and Holmes’s ‘Method’. I chose these two methods, as one is based on in-depth research and bases its possible solutions on data, whilst the other is all about observation, knowledge cultivation and creative. yet logical, thinking.

I usually kick off my creative process by doing research. Could be looking at generic visuals such as on Pinterest, works of historical movements, look at what is already in the market. I sometimes also do some market research and look at some statistics on how and why a project was successful while others are not. Following this, I like to dedicate a lot of time to sketching out my ideas. I trying to stay away from the computer as much as possible. I find working on pen and paper more comfortable when generating ideas, as my thoughts and my sketching are working in unison. I only start digitising after a solid idea is on paper, to which it will be further refined once it is digitised. In ideal circumstances, I sometimes leave the project to the side and get back to it a couple of days later. I think it is good a way of giving self-critique, especially if you do not have peers to which you can discuss your ideas with.

In my line drawing I wanted to showcase two sides of my way of thinking. I do follow my intuitive feeling when experimenting with ideas, but I also like to have a logical explanation for my final outcome. It makes the final outcome more substantial and meaningful. There is an answer to the ‘why’ it is the way it is. In addition, I included wispy lines in conjunction with mathematical symbols. I wanted to showcase how my train of thought works; I tend to get new ideas in the most random of places and I like to work away from my computer a lot, to which it may seem absurd for some as I am a Graphic Designer, but my thinking process has a structure and it is relatively defined inside my head. The problem is that I cannot always explain it in words.

These are some sketches I made when working on this week’s tasks… not to mention the reading and the endless jotting down of notes…


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