Coming Up With Ideas for a Self-Initiated Project – Workshop Challenge: Part 1
As expected, this first challenge of the module is to come up with ideas for a self-initiated project that we are to work on in the upcoming four weeks. To help with the idea generation, it was suggested that we look at the work we did in Module 1 of this course. It was a good exercise to do so as I had forgotten about a couple of exercises that we did back then, and some have the potential to be evolved into something broader. Along with this exercise, I thought of including a couple of ideas that had been sitting in the back of my head and the back covers of various notebooks.
Although Graphic Design requires a certain amount of time in front of the screen, I do like to work with different media, and I sketch a lot and make notes by hand. I find that doing things by hand, thoughts and hands are working at the same speed. In addition, I think that through sketching, you make sense out of your ideas floating around in your mind.
Going Back to Module 1
You can check out the work done in module one here. As part of this week’s challenge, we have to evaluate the work done in the first module of the course.
- Introduction
This first task was rather straight forward. The goal for this was to introduce ourselves to the rest of the cohort and to complete there we had to answer four question: ‘Who?’, ‘What?’, ‘Where?’ and ‘Why?’. I enjoyed working on this first project. At the time I was stuck in a bit of rut at work, so I took the opportunity to make some collage and illustrative work. I do not know why but I feel so strange introducing myself still.
2. Industry Today
This was a writing exercise where we had to identify and write about design studio and production houses in our area. Was not difficult to go around this one. It was more of a question of finding the really interesting ones.
3. Fields of Practice
The exercise consisted of understanding the different fields of work and categories that fall under the umbrella term of Graphic Design. I enjoyed reading about the unusual titles that push the term Graphic Design to the limit. Although some sound quite bombastic and intimidating, some are really interesting. After completing the write-up for this exercise, I laid it out in a pocket size leaflet. I was inspired by the grunge and punk style zines for this task. I wanted the write-up that casual feel that many job titles often lack.
4. The Self and Identity
Knowing one’s self is not as easy as one thinks. Personally, what I do know it that I say it how it is. That is why I had named the final project #nofilter. The idea revolved about being completely transparent and sometimes you show certain parts of yourself, in other times others. However, your core ethics and values will always reflect and prevail overall. I played around the red and blue filters to create a short clip. I went with video as I think it made the outcome a lot smoother rather than photos or a simple gif.
5. Thoughts on Ideas
I had some fun with this task. It was quite an interesting topic – thinking process and strategies. However, I thought of looking at thinking processes that are mentioned in works of fiction and turns out that they were scientifically accurate and validated. The method of deduction. The exercise took quite an interesting turn. I got to learn a lot about different thinking processes, and the final outcome was a combination of what I learned in comparison to my way of working.
6. Noticing the Ignored
The area I live in is rather bland at first glance. However, it is up and coming, and in recent years, many derelict areas are being restored and the whole area has definitely improved. There are quite a few areas like this around the island that are often overlooked as they are not deemed as touristic. I wanted to create something that promotes the area, not in an overly obvious ‘in your face’ way, but rather in its own subtle ‘oh look at this’ kind of way.
7. Research and Theory
I struggled with this exercise simply because I wanted to find something unconventional and not only tell a story, but a story that also appeals to me. It turned out to be an interesting exercise, and the survey I conducted as part of the exercise brought in a lot of responses and learning about how classic games are really making a comeback and how will they impact the videogaming world. In the future, it would be a fun project to document how videogaming evolved, but in the eyes of the gamers.
8. Skills and Making
One year in from this exercise and outcome, I think it is time to check on what I wrote back then and how my skills have changed since then. I may have overcomplicated the outcome for this, but if I had more time to work of it, there would have been room for improving on my origami skills and the outcome would have had a better framework.
9. Message Delivered
The task here was to describe the town (or in my case, country) in one word and reflect it visually. I took a satirical approach towards this one. Satire is very popular in Malta, be it political, social or just plain old fun. This would be interesting to explore further, and even create a series of posters that showcase various aspects of the island. Another interesting idea would be to go out and ask people to describe the island in one word.
10. Type and Page
One of my favourite projects by far. I like working with typography and hand lettering and experiment with editorial. I may have taken it a bit too far, but I was very happy with the result. As the topic of the poem chosen was about an olden lady weaving lace (which is also a traditional craft), the outcome obviously had to reflect that in some way. One way to take it even further would have been to actually weave the whole design. Too bad I cannot weave lace…. Or at least not yet.
11. Trends and Environment
The stars may have had aligned for this one. There were some heated topics in the news and it seemed fit, given the about of information flooding all over the internet and other media and it was very relevant to the topic of that week’s challenge. The challenge here was to find ‘what lies beneath’ the information. I chose to compare three articles discussing the same topic from different international newsrooms, and the same thing with three national newsrooms. In addition to this, I chose to look at how such mews impacts artists and designers in their work. Interesting exercise, albeit tackling a rather sensitive topic during the time, however, I feel that I should have worked more on the visual outcome of it. I think that I could have presented the work much better.
12. New Steps
This last week definitely needed a lot more work. I struggled with understanding what was required to produce for the workshop challenge. On top of that, last minute jitters of assignment submission may have got the best of me. Going back now, I definitely would have tackled the task differently.
Generating some initial ideas…
After some thought and brain tangles the ideas are the following:
- You’ve Got Mail! (From Noticing the Ignored workshop in Module 1)
Following up on the exercise from Module 1, the idea behind this project is to promote the hidden gems of the island. Certain areas of Malta are very popular amongst tourist and even the general population and are considered the ‘fancier’ areas so to speak. That being said, Malta has a lot more to offer and many are unaware of them. My response to the exercise in Module 1 was a stamp design. Still pondering on the final outcome, however I think it would be an interesting output. Living in the digital age, stamps are not used as much, yet I think that these would be appreciated by people of all ages. Stamps collectors would definitely love to have these in their collection. In addition, it is a bit of tradition in Malta to issue a commemorative stamp for special events. In some cases, they were also made from silver or gold leaf.
- ‘Tberfil u Sfumar’ – [Pinstriping and Shading]
Pinstriping is a traditional form of hand-lettering and signage that was featured on numerous vehicles, particularly on buses. Blending, on the other hand, refers to the elaborate paintings that can be seen on numerous flags, pavilions and decorative drapery that is used during the traditional feasts around Malta. They are considered both as an art and a trade, but sadly it is an art that is dying, especially the pinstriping.
I am very passionate about traditional craftsmanship, especially the ones mentioned above. I was thinking of creating something that promotes these two forms of craftmanship, and possibly expanding it to further traditional crafts. An online platform that includes featured artists, the work-in-progress, and even tutorial would be very interesting. I do believe that it is a dying art not because of disinterest, but rather young people not being exposed to such traditional arts. Besides the online platforms, this can be branched into fashion and even take it offline and organise workshops and classes around different towns.
- Ichugam.com (It reads “I chew gum”)
This started off as a joke at work after the fact that I ate a lot chewing gum and just so happened that I worked for an affiliate company. I did not give it that much thought, however, after some pondering, it seems like a fun project. The idea behind this is simple, review and sell different brands of chewing gum. However, instead of making just another e-shop, this project can evolve into a full-on brand, where the online platforms, the reviews would include things such as flavour comparison, ‘fresh breath-o-meter’ along with a ‘bubble diameter’. Everyone loves candy, and chewing gum is no exception. A little bit off fun goes a long way. Not sure whether it should be an app or a website, but the website is easier to add content by the looks of it.
- The Science and Magic of Applied Imagination – (From Skills and Making workshop in Module 1)
The workshop consisted of formulating our thinking process. Briefly speaking, I wanted to combine the artistic and technical aspects of deign together. However, I was thinking of using this name to create an educational platform for Mathematics and Design. Mathematics is a subject that many students struggle with, and many find it rather daunting. In addition, children who deem themselves as ‘not able to draw’ as uncreative. Through this educational platform, these two subjects can be put together by implementing mathematical elements to create visuals and vice versa. It can be described as a more interactive version of Graphical Communication. This project is rather ambitious, but I think it can successful.
Apart from the digital platform, this project can be expanded into campaigns and workshops in different schools. Following up on the success of the project, the methods stemming from these studies can even be incorporated as classroom activities and aids for learning.
The next part of this week’s challenge is to select one of the above mentioned ideas, and elaborate more on them. Ultimately, we are to select one the project and draft a brief. This will be the framework for the upcoming four weeks, to which we are to create the chosen project.