3. Fields of Practiceover


As part of this week’s workshop challenge, we were to write a synopsis about the different categories in the 2019 edition of the D&Ad Awards (you can read the synopsis here.) and create an editorial piece with it.

I am creating a pamphlet of sorts, and of course I needed some artwork for the front. After some deep thinking and brainstorming, I got this random idea to create a Rebus – a depiction of a word or phrase by the use of letters and images – out of the word ‘categorisation’, which I then shortened to ‘categorise’. This is how I split the word:


? + ? + ? + ?

Following this, I seized the opportunity to experiment with some grunge styles and collage with bold typography. It has been a while since I worked on some experimental editorial also and it was an interesting project to work on. I used a mix of photography, both greyscale and in colour, font combinations as well as an accent colour to create this pamphlet. I went for this style as I wanted to see how far I can push the Rebus with the layout and see if I will manage to break the grid. Also, I am really into Postmodern Graphic Design on the 90s Constructivist style of collages – photography juxtaposed with bold typography and solid shapes – as well as the 90s grunge style, I find them very bold and expressive. They are styles that make a statement.

On a similar note, I want the images in the collage to be very expressive. The cat looks like its calling out someone, and the eye reminds me a lot of ‘Big Brother’ from 1984 – a cult classic in literature.

Check out my pamphlet below:

Side A
Side B

Below, you can also see the printed pamphlet:


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