Brainstorming Ideas for this week…

As mentioned in previous posts, this week’s task is visualising a piece of information of our choice. Right now, I am bouncing around some ideas around current affairs or environmental issues that affect Malta. I am considering something along the lines of immigration. In recent years Malta has seen a rapid increase in immigration from various countries, from Eu and non-EU countries as well as a rapid increase in illegal immigrants. Hence, it was become a densely populated country with a mixture of cultures and ethnicities. It would be interesting to explore datasets that analyse these topics.

Another topic I had in mind was the construction industry on the island. Considering the size of Malta, construction is one of the leading industries, with tower cranes and bulldozers scattered everywhere. In addition, as the space is very limited, the prices have skyrocketed in the last five years, and the quality of work is not always up to par. Would also be interesting to cross reference data of both ideas – a comparison of the real estate market and immigration. 

However, I am also considering something more light-hearted, or perhaps, more fun to look at. Considering that I would be looking at tables for the next couple of days, might as well find something that is interesting to look at. Something like favourite candies around the world, or how influencers became so popular and how are they impacting society. Another idea I had was to visualise some data in relation to music festivals and stereotypes.

Will be looking up some source material for multiple ideas for now. Would like to find a topic with enough source material that I can cross reference from different pieces of information as I would like to avoid biases. Should be an interesting exercise.

I have to admit, that for this module I am having a bit of a hard time keep up the pace for now. Hopefully I’ll manage to pan out everything as soon as possible. It is already in the middle of the fourth week. Will be preparing the final documents and essay within a couple of weeks.


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