Single office desk in a empty room with dark grey office chair

A Lot of Loose Ends

I really have not been present this past week on the blog and Ideas Wall. I have a few loose ends that I need to put together and re-group my thoughts.  

So as mentioned earlier this week, following Stuart’s feedback, I will be targeting expatriate families for this project, which makes sense, as it has more of a ‘case study’ feel to it.  I chose to take this step as there is more source material in terms of primary research and also it makes it easier to pitch my project. In addition to that, there is an element of empathy, which makes the project more likely to resonate with people.

As for the literature review, I still have not put together that framework I was talking about. I have to nail it down over the weekend and start drafting it in time for the Week 8 milestone, otherwise it is simply going to pile up. I have been going through a lot of statistics regarding language, immigration and expatriate population lately. I am trying to put the pieces together so that I can start building my argument in the literature review. I am also writing my findings in a separate blog post, as part of the usual journaling.

As for the interviews and questions to professionals, unfortunately, no one from has got back to me yet, however, I have written to a couple of colleagues who fall under the category of ‘expat families’ and hopefully they would be up for an interview. I am considering sending a reminder, but I also need a back-up plan for this. To be fair, I was informed from the Ministry of Education that the email was forwarded to the relevant person, but so far I have not heard from them with answers. Therefore, in the meantime, I should probably work on that survey aimed for the expats I had been mentioning for weeks. Since I have narrowed down my target audience, maybe it will yield better results. The question is now ‘what do I really want to get from this survey’. 


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