The Scope and Boundaries of Graphic Design Today, Current and Future: Work In Progress

In my previous posts, I wrote about this week’s workshop challenge: looking at Graphic Design as an industry that holds multiple niches and smaller industry, write about them, and present them in an editorial piece. Above, I put up some of my sketches, mind maps and notes I collated over the course of this week.

This week was quite informative and found it quite inspiring, as I looked at practices that fall under the same ‘Graphic Design’ umbrella that I did not know that existed. In addition, looking at various works from designers based in different parts of the world helped m a lot in generating ideas and pushing the boundaries this week. The presentation given by Non-Format was very inspiring (You can watch the video here). Typography is one of my favourite sectors of Graphic Design and this design agency presented some very creative examples of typography applied in conjunction with photography and various examples of editorial design.

When it came to putting together the write-up in an editorial piece, initially I was thinking of creating a digital layout, like a blog post or a website, however, decided to go for print as I think that it was more fitting for the design style that I was going for. As explained in other posts, the three movements that I looked at where Constructivism, Punk and Postmodernism, three bold styles that wanted to make a statement and three that preceded the internet. Moreover, I think that print will always make a bigger statement than anything digital, for it is tangible; it makes it real.


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