Getting Used to Things

It’s 00:50, with 26% battery power in my laptop. I do not share that many thoughts in a blog, in fact this is the first time doing it and I am trying to keep it as academic as possible. However, I felt compelled to write and share some of my thoughts and how I am getting along so far.

It is my third week in this course. So far it has been very interesting and I am learning a lot. I am really enjoying it. The only problem I still have not gone over is time management. With work and training, I am making effort to dedicate as much time as possible to this course. Weekends and nights in are golden, I do not know how the others are getting along, but I am doing my best to finish each task within the initial deadline. Partly because I will have time to go over things again, but also I have some worries that I might not make the final deadline as well as not having time to cover all the necessary material to hand in the best possible end product.

At the moment I am just typing away while everyone is asleep. I have no idea how I am going to wake up to work tomorrow. Thank God for coffee and flexible hours. In spite of all this, I am always looking forward to see what we will be having as a workshop challenge. I am also liking the Ideas Wall where everyone shares their work, thoughts and other sources.

I wonder what is in store in the coming weeks? I should probably share some pictures of my notebook next time… so far my latest sketchbook is still a bit dry.

Good night for now. Stay awesome.



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  • I hope you managed to get some sleep!
    I’m still struggling with time management but as the course progresses I’m hoping to find a routine.
    It’s hard because I really want to get into all the materials but balancing it with everything else is tough.

    • Got little sleep, but it was good quality sleep. I went to bed with my mind at rest at least, knowing that I had some of the writing covered. I’m on the same page with you – I would like to cover all the material that is provided also. Not only it will makes it easier towards the final deadline, but also makes time to go back to the projects and edit them before the final hand in. 🙂