1. Introduction

‘Who?’ ‘What?’ ‘Where?’ ‘Why?’ – My Four W’s Quadriptych

In my previous blog posts, I talked about the first workshop challenge of this module, which was to produce a quadriptych about ourselves. We had to answer in the form of imagery and choose any style we like to put this project together.

I chose mixed media because I like to experiment with new trends and styles. I am not the kind of person that sticks to one style, or create my ‘signature style’. I find it to be restricting, Being a very dynamic style, one can create a scene where is can really convey a particular mood, and can be mellowed or intensified just as easily.

As one can see above, the colour yellow is predominant in the artwork. It is my favourite colour, and it is also deemed as the colour of happiness, which is the mood that I would like to convey. In addition to that, I used black and white photography and black lines all across the artwork. I did this partly because my favourite colour scheme is indeed black and yellow, but also because I like the black ‘inky’ effect that reminds me of cartoons and comic strips.

In my next blog post, I will be breaking down the design panel by panel – one panel for each question.


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