The Four W’s Quadriptych: The Thinking Process

So these last couple of days I was mind-mapping and trying to find an answer to these Four ‘W’s – Who, What, Where, Why.

To answer these questions, it requires some deep reflection. Personally, I got some sheets of paper and started writing down whatever come to mind in relation to these questions, particularly to the ‘Who’ and ‘Why’ questions. For the ‘who’ it was not easy, for there are many aspects of one’s personality, and it varies depending on the context. In addition, when someone asks you ‘who are you?’, the most obvious answer would be your name. Despite, that, a name is only the tip of the iceberg, it is merely an identifier. Hence some thought is required to present oneself in the best light possible. As for the ‘why’, I didn’t want to go ranting about me being very creative from a young age, got into art school and such things. I wanted to find a way to encapsulate what creativity and design mean to me.

Since there is no way to condense everything into one sentence, I am considering mixed media. It reflects my personality a lot. I rarely stick to one style of things, be it, a book, clothing and this also reflects in my design work. I’d say I work in cycles. Or seasons. It is a very interesting exercise to kick off the first scholastic year.


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