‘Who?’ ‘What?’ ‘Where?’ ‘Why?’ – The Four W’s

Four single-syllable questions and take up less than twenty characters if you include the spaces in between, yet they carry enough weight to leave everyone wonder for the rest of the day on finding the right answer.

Of course it is easy to answer these questions if we are asked about someone or something which we are familiar with, but what happens when we are asked these same questions about ourselves? We have so many answers in our head that we struggle to find the perfect answer so much, that more often than not, we end up lost for words.

This is what we will be exploring this week in the first module – Contemporary Practice. Firstly, because we would need to introduce ourselves to the other students in the cohort, however, it is also a good analysis exercise. Most of the time, we as designers get carried away with seeking inspiration from the latest design blogs, Pinterest boards and attach ourselves to the graphic design gurus we learn about at art school. But what if every now and then, we stopped, took a step back and have a look at how all this has affected our creative mind? How did it inspire us? Where are we standing as creative people? Who have we become?


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