The Final Week: Great Progress, an Epic Fail and Last-Minute Jitters

It’s 2am CET at the moment, so I will be keeping it brief. It is the last week, and typical me, I am getting all sorts of ideas for the project this last week. TypeDream has proven to be an awesome website builder, dare I say that it is better than WordPress. I have quite a few core pages up and running – the Syllabus for Year 1 is all uploaded and the Quick Guides section is complete. Although I would like to work on the Library section. I was considering a blueprint or roadmap of the idea for the submission, although I would like very much to see if I can create a functioning concept.

Below are some examples of the pages I have created so far, and you can also visit to check out the prototype for yourself.

Whilst that is working out great, working with VS Code to create a dictionary has not proven as successful. I found a great tutorial – very comprehensive and even provided source code, however at one point, my laptop was not reading the programming framework after trying to start over as I could not find the error that was causing it. Sadly, I feel like I have wasted a whole evening. Although I do have things under control, I am getting those last minute jitters, as I had high hopes that this attempt at building the dictionary would work. Should have seen it coming, after having to Google on how to install certain files, as I could not even get past that.

Anyway, lesson learned. This last week I should be focusing on concluding this project and present it as an MVP of something much bigger. Roll-over Friday.


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