The Critical Report, the Actual Web App and Wrapping Up

First deadline off the list. Submitted the critical report yesterday and it feels like quite a bit of weight off my shoulders. I was somewhat concerned with what the aim of the critical report was initially as I kept iterating to the dissertation I had to write way back during my Bachelor’s course. So, until I picked up what was it about, it was somewhat stressful, but now glad that it’s over. You can view it here:

The Actual Web App

Only now I realised that I should have bought the domain as soon as I had decided that I would be creating a “website”, but I got that out of the way as well. The next step is now to decide on the content that I would like to include in this and eventually start on some wireframes. Given the timeframe, it is highly unlikely that I would manage to make this app functional, but I am looking into some tools and WordPress plugins that I might use to make a functional prototype.

Creating that concept board some time ago is also coming handy now. I would not say that I am panicking, but I am aware that the final submission is looming, and I would like to have something neat to present. If not a functional website, at least the prototype would be presentable. In ideal circumstances, I would send it out to a couple of contenders that would use it if the project went commercial just to get a feel of how it would be received. However, I want to focus on the creation as opposed to jumping into testing and sending out surveys.


Just like in previous modules, I will be using Figma for wireframing. I am looking into apps like Webflow that seem to be much more designer-friendly than WordPress when it comes to “developing” the websites, but I still would need to look into a couple of intensive tutorials so as to use my time for efficiently when working on creating my website – might as well start calling it that now.

I have also discovered a new website creator called TypeDream. Now this looks quite new, so I do not know what it has to offer. That said, I gave it a couple of tries and it seems quite versatile and quite easy to use, even easier than Webflow. If there is time, I would give this a shot in attempting to make this a functional website.

…and the PDF

After almost two years, I think I may have understood what is needed in the PDF this time round. Unlike other modules, this final PDF is more like the ‘pitch book’ of the project in question. In my case, since there is branding involved too, it would make sense to combine the idea of a ‘brand book’ and a ‘pitch book’. It is not meant to be something that I am trying to sell, nor how the brand logo should be used or anything like that. Is more like an overview to a potential user and/or investor.

21 days to go.


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