My Project Finally Got a Name and a Logo… Almost.

After the ordeal with the naming and sketching out numerous ideas which I shared in the blog in the previous days, I am getting closer to finalising the logo. I started digitising two ideas to see which one will turn out better out of the two. I am still undecided as to which one I would go with, not to mention the accompanying typeface for the name itself. However, I am very happy with how this process is turning out. The naming and branding of the project is stressing me out indeed and as the end creep nearer and nearer, it is getting more difficult to concentrate.

My Intentions with the Brand

I want this brand to appeal to expatriate parents, as I mentioned time and again throughout the module, but I do not want it to have this overformal, rigid impression. Whilst it looks professional, and academic in this case, I want the brand to be a friendly one. Bearing in mind that this app can be used by parents with their children, it should not give off the impression that it is yet another digital textbook. As for the parents, I think that they would have a more pleasant user experience if the whole brand had a more casual look. Makes it more approachable.

Some Screenshots

The following are some of the screenshots of the logo’s “work-in-progress” and some typeface options that I might use in conjunction with the logo. Still working in black and white, as I still did not work on the colour schemes and other collateral of the brand.


After deciding on which logo should I go with, I think the natural step would be to put together a “pitch book” of the brand’s initial stages. This will help me along the upcoming six weeks to always have an overview of what is the brand look-and-feel and also it would be easier to share and present my brand with the rest of the cohort. In addition to this, I was also thinking of using the PDF as a brand and app book – present the brand and explain how the app can be used. Can be thought of as a presentation and promotional booklet, even though I also need to check that it fits with the module criteria.


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