Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on jewelry designer designs jewelries on paper

Some more Moodboarding, and Sketching, but still Undecided on the Name

jewelry designer designs jewelries on paper

Further to my previous posts, I am at a point where in order to understand better where my project is headed, it is best to start working on the ‘look and feel’ of the brand. In my last post I talked about some of the design styles I would like to go with, and how I was planning to work on some sketches for logos of two possible names. Link to previous blog post here.

I have spent the last week sketching out some ideas, however, I am not very pleased with the results so far. The plan was to have something substantial by this week, however, it seems that stress might be taking its toll on my creative flow. I even reverted to the ‘moodboarding’ phase as I felt that I may need to look at some more example of what is out there.

As for the two names, I am keener on going with ‘Pocket Tutor’ however, the logo design ideas for ‘Maltistanti’ look better. So that is another hurdle I need to go over. Below are some of the examples I included in my second moodboard as well as some sketches. I left my options open – I do not want to restrict myself with a logomark or an icon. I want to see were the thinking process leads me to.

As for the next steps, I need to make sure that I allow time for some user testing. Whilst it is not strictly necessary, it would look good in the critical report and also makes the project more “real”. In addition, if I was to indeed propose this to a public entity (Ministry of Education, Public Schools, etc.), providing reports and results from such tests can make such entities more likely to get onboard the project.

About Feedback

Last week, I met with our new course tutor. In a nutshell, I explained what my project is, and he seemed pleased with my progress. The next step now it to actually start working on the design aspect of the project, and as he said, it is time to have something tangible. I felt reassured with the tutor’s reaction. One of my concerns is indeed whether my project will meet the necessary criteria.


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