Naming the App and Critical Report Update

Following a discussion in our peer-to-peer sessions, I am going for a web-based app, as opposed to a mobile app like the ones you get in the App Store and Play Store. I would still start with mobile UI first as phones are quite handy, however as the app is also aimed to be used during homework time, it is very likely that the users will be at their desk, hence a computer would be used.

In addition, I spent these couple of days thinking of a name. I am still not totally satisfied with the results, but I am sharing what I have come up with so far. I shared these names on the Ideas Wall to get some feedback from the rest of the cohort. The goal of the name is to be easy to read. If in English, the users are more likely to know what the name means, however I am not excluding Maltese completely. If the word is easy to read, than it can catch on quite easily. For the latter, I am avoiding silent letters and the glottal ‘q’ as they can affect the pronunciation.

These are the names so far (I filtered the best contenders):
Names in English
– Malteezy
– Maltese Made Easy
– MentorMe
– Chalk Talk
– Language Dojo (I like this one, but I don’t know if it’s misleading
– Parent Tutor
– Learning Curve
– Tutor In The House
– Tutor Room
-Pocket Tutor: for Maltese Language

Names in Maltese
– Maltistanti (translates to ‘Maltese Instant”
– Malti Essenzjali (translates to ‘Essential Maltese”)
– Diskors (trnalsates to ‘Speech / Discourse’ )
– Nistudjaw Flimkien (translates to ‘Studying Together’)
– Fehmni Iktar (translates to ‘explain further to me’)

Generic Names
– Homework Helper for Maltese (rather generic)
– Maltese for Expats

As for the Critical Report…

In light of recent events, we are to give feedback on the critical report to each other. We are grouped in pairs, and we are also giving feedback to whoever shared the critical report on the ideas wall. As for me, I am more or less halfway, although I still need to split it further sections and also add a proper contents page. Plus, there is the ‘design process’ that still needs to be added.


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