The Deliverable – Preliminaries

 It is (finally?) the phase were everyone is preparing for the final deliverable. As I mentioned in earlier posts, I will be creating an app to help non-Maltese speaking parents guide their children with their Maltese-language homework. Initially, the app will be in English, however, creating it in different languages will be an interesting goal to aspire to.

The last couple of days, I spent them going through the notes I made when I was looking at different language learning apps, and also looked at some more ideas for visual inspiration. Following the May break and getting the draft of the critical report out of the way, I went into a bit of a lethargic phase where I was not focusing that much on the actual design project. That said, after some reading and digging, I came about the main features of the app. As a first version of the app, the features are rather simple. It will include:

  • The syllabus for the Maltese language from Year 1 to Year (Primary school)
  • A bilingual dictionary with a search function
  • A library of translated books – this one is rather ambitious but I can try it.
  • Updates feed
  • Profile page – the idea of the profile page is to be able to keep track progress and go back to the previous session should the user close the app.

I also sketched of a sort of flowchart to see better what kind oof features the user would look for. I keep recalling the interviews I had earlier this year and I am building the features based on what they would like to have should such a tool existed.

Besides the features, I should not forget that I have to brand this app as well. I do not even have a name for it yet, and that is a crucial part. When coining the name, it would be much easier to build the visual aspect of the brand. I need to dedicate some special time for this, because I tend to be terrible at names. If anything, I need to decide with language to use. One thing is for sure, whatever language it is, it needs to be very easy to read. After all, most users are going to be foreign and may not necessarily be that fluent in English. The whole point of the app revolves on ‘making homework tasks easier for expat parents’.


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