Chipping Away my Path and Making Things ‘Digestible’

One of the things that I came to realise in this module is that I am trying to do ten things at once. Unlike in previous modules, this one does not have the ‘weekly task’ setup in such a formal way, so managing tasks yourself is very important. To which, it is not the first time that I get overwhelmed and end up just putting everything on the side. Of course, I needed to sort this problem out, and finally I came to somewhat of a ‘solution’ – midway through the module – by breaking down all the tasks I have into even smaller digestible tasks. I just have to make sure to write down each step, this blog post included.

The Critical Report Framework

One of the biggest stresses at the moment is the critical report. Although the word-limit it quite hefty, that is not my main concern. My concern is the type of content the tutors are expecting. As projects vary from one student to the other, there is not really a ‘one-template for-all’ guide.

Following the advice from my tutor in the last tutorial, I signed up for a meeting with an advisor from the Study Hub, where I should be able to speak about this report and ask about my queries. Also, as an attempt to make this write-up easier for myself, I also put together a mind map/framework of what I think should go in the critical report, and in which part. SO far it is in the initial stages, however, I tried to include as many notes as I can prior to starting drafting. You can have a look at it below:

Moving Forward

In the coming days, I am planning to work on the action plan for this project. The module is almost halfway through, and it is about time that I start working on the actual project, as it feels a bit like I am stuck in the research phase. When it comes to the action plan, I must include all the steps, or as much as I can remember so that I do not miss anything. Probably it is going to be the case that I would be editing the timelines as I go along, depending on how life hits during that point in time, but planning ahead should be very helpful indeed.


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