First Post after Easter Break

These past two weeks, the University “closes” for Easter break, to which it allows a two-week breather for all of us in the course. Since we would not have any meetings, and even at work we were relatively quiet, I thought of catching up on the literature review and go over the website as a whole and see that everything is working well.

With regards to the literature review, like I mentioned in previous posts, I thought of splitting it into different themes. There are seven themes in total and so far, I managed to cover five themes out of the seven, to which I will be working on this weekend. It still needs some refinements, even if I did through each section a couple of times. It took me a while for this, because I actually wrote each section by hand first. I cannot seem to concentrate that well when typing straight away when building an argument. Along with the perpetual sluggishness the pandemic is leaving me with, it was somewhat of a steep hill.

I still need to get into the tasks of this phase of the module. After speaking with the tutor, I am looking into speaking to some other departments in the University to get some better guidance with regards to the critical report. I am having a tough time wrapping my head around what goes in the report and what does not. From my understanding it is an evaluation for the whole project, including the final deliverable and how it turned out and how it was received by the target audience. So, for the time being, I think the best way to go is to make note of how I will structure it. I am considering following the dissertation format I used from my B.A. as a starting point, then customise it accordingly.

On a different note, I am mid-way with reviewing the functionalities of my website. Reason being was that recently, one of the plugins was not available to use free of charge, meaning that the updates were not downloading. This caused all the slideshows in the website to break, which in turn resulted in them not showing at all. Currently, I am trying to work my way backwards and see if I can remember which ones had such elements included in the post. It is a bit of a daunting task, but it is the least I can do, given the simplicity of the site. Wish me luck.


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