I may have got (or rather been given) an Idea for a Deliverable….

This was rather random, but I might be onto something, thanks to a friend of mine, who happens to be an expat. So, we were having coffee over a video call and talking about anything and everything and got to around to discuss my project and where I am at. I also explained how I got the idea: from my colleague with the “homework situation”, to which he related and continued by explaining how a colleague of his is in the same situation, and many others are experiencing it. After a day’s work, they have to cook dinner, sort out housework and you have to help your children with homework, and the issue is that they simply cannot because they cannot understand.

At one point, he said “it would good if parents were introduced to the language at the same pace as the children, or the tool thingy would be based on the school curriculum”, and I was like, that is genius. That is one thing that I did not occur to me at any point. It is very interesting direction to explore that can definitely bring some positive results. In addition, from what I have read, non-formal education seems to be more effective when it comes to adult learners. Therefore, the content should be presented in a simple and casual manner. I must bear in mind that the potential users are working parents with young children, so time is of the essence.

The first thing to look at would be the school curriculum of the Maltese language, which thankfully, it is readily available. There is one website that contains grammar notes, however it is aimed more towards native speakers, meaning that there is room for a unique selling proposition in this end product, whatever it may be. At first, I was considering an app, but looking back, I think even a website would work. The medium is something that is yet to be explored.

I am very happy that finally I managed to overcome this hurdle, as I was starting to get rather concerned with the deliverable, as now we are almost mid-way through this final module. Time is picking up the pace indeed…


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