Getting Started on this (Much Delayed) Literature Review – Elaborating the Framework
I was supposed to start working on this literature review almost a month ago. Work did get in the way a bit the last couple of weeks, but. I was also struggling with the literature review itself – I simply did not know from were to begin. In previous posts I talked about how I planned to split the literature review in ‘themes’ as it helped me in going about the literature review bit by bit (you can read more about this here), however I was still quite behind in terms of reading. On top of that, I was focused on the presentation that took place last week, and in between work and presentation pressure, the literature review went on the back-burner again.
So, as it is coming clear to me, that I may be avoiding to deal with the literature review subconsciously, I thought of breaking the themes into further point, and group the different sources I have according to the theme and lay them out on a board, which you can see below.
The idea here is to make the process as simple as possible and actually start writing. I am starting to get slightly stressed about this, and I was planning to take a break over the Easter holidays, but the way things are going, I would only end up procrastinating, as I already had a tough time getting back into the ‘study routine’ for this module. This week has to be THE WEEK> Wish me luck.