So It Begins…The Road Toward the Final Major Project

This is it. The module that everyone was progressing towards is finally here. It is a very different module from the previous four as it requires more self-initiative, and one has to organise the work a bit more. Over Christmas break, I spent some time thinking over some potential ideas for the FMP, even if many of them were either too abstract or trivial. That being said, I have managed to flesh out a couple of possible research questions that I would like to discuss with my tutors. The research questions are below:

Title 1: How Can a Person Be Encouraged to Learn The Native Language of a Country Where a Global Language is Also Spoken?

The Maltese language is a minority language. It is indeed the national and official language of the Maltese Islands, however, because of the size of the population, it still at risk of dying out, especially since more foreigners are moving to the country, hence English is more freely spoken in recent years. In addition to this, there are parts of the island that for some reason they tend to disdain speaking Maltese and it is deemed rather shallow, even in this day and age. Although the latter is a secondary issue that I would like to explore.

The primary aim and objective of this research would be to encourage foreigners to learn Maltese, hence there is the need to make sources available and accessible. As it is aimed towards foreigners, one should look at the language in question, i.e. Maltese, from a ‘new speaker’ perspective.

Title 2: Can the Use of Computational Design Benefit Designers in the Design Process to Come up with Design Solutions that ultimately contribute to the Best Return on Investment?

This second title might require some rephrasing, but what I mean is that can and will Computational Design help a design whilst working on a project to generate the best possible design solution that will result in a good response to the target audience, and ultimately more money to the client. This idea was inspired by the industry I work in – Affiliate Marketing within the iGaming industry. It is a rather volatile industry, and affiliate marketing is generating traffic to the company’s clients. Hence it is very important that the content of the website is catchy. However, one should not sacrifice quality design work for the sake of leads. Which bring me to this question.

The aim here is to explore more the notion of Computational Design and itn impact of the creative industry and see if and how will it benefit (should it be the case) the design process and whether it indeed maximises ROI.

So far, I have not given that much thought with regards to a deliverable per se. I would like to discuss these titles with a tutor to see what is the more viable between the two, and also see which is the best route to take;  whether it is research based or whether I would actually produce something following on the research I do. At this point, as said by our module leaders, it is better to nail down the research question, rather than focusing on the final outcome, as it may turn out to be a dead end. Should be an interesting module. For this one we get to choose whatever we want, so it is best to choose something I like, it is an eight-month project after all.


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