Presenting the Evaluation and Concluding the Module

Another module has come to a close. The last part of the workshop challenge was to put together a presentation were we some up the feedback and response we got from peers and stakeholders, and also add our personal critical evaluation in relation to the said project. You can watch the presentation below. Enjoy. To go straight to the ‘Feedback section, click on Chapter 4 of the video.

Concluding the Module

I has been quite a journey this past year, this time last year I was prepping to hand in my first ever module. I did not see myself making it this far to be fair, as the first couple of modules felt quite demanding. This module was quite demanding in its own right, but between me adapting to a new routine, not leaving the house as much because of the pandemic and also the modules being more fluid in terms of progression, it felt that I had more control of the work, and I definitely had more time to dedicate to the course. I am looking forward to that Christmas break though… see you in January.


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