My Creative Direction – Workshop Challenge (cont.)

It is typical of me to combine multiple part of different ideas to come up with an idea concept. As explained in previous blog posts, I took inspiration from previous works from Modules 1 and 2 to create this collection of stamps that showcase different parts of the Maltese Islands that are not as popular as the more “touristic” areas. As part of this workshop challenge, we had to create 5 different moodboards showing five different ideas. Out of these moodboards we were to select one and use it as a start for our creative direction for this project. As I like different ideas from different moodboards, I was a bit difficult to explain it in words, so instead I thought of creating a ‘concept board’ that represents better my intentions and where I have thinking of heading visually.

The design style I will follow is based on the concepts in Moodboard 2 in terms of layout and maybe hints from Moodboard 4, whilst the colour scheme is very much inspired by Moodboard 1. Although still unsure whether these colour schemes will work, I think the experiment is worth a shot. It will me interesting in terms of experimenting. That said, when it comes to visual language and photographic style, I’d like to stylise the photos in such a way it would give it that surreal look. 

In addition, I also included some of the preliminary sketches for the design of this project. At this point I was experimenting and drawing out motifs with different colours and shapes. Looking forward to getting started on this project.


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