Ideation and Creative Direction for the Upcoming Project

This week’s workshop challenge is choosing the creative direction to take for this-self initiated project for this brief. As part of this ideation and creative direction process, we are required to put together five moodboards to which we then choose which direction are we taking. The following are my moodboards:

Moodboard 1: Retro Futurism

I am really into the retro futuristic synthwave vibe lately, and it is a style that not many local artists have explored as yet, surely not in the context of Maltese landscapes and definitely not on a stamp. Stamp designs have a tendency to be rather traditional in their designs. I think something like this will definitely make people look twice.

 In addition, I think that such a style would convey a more modern progressive look on the perception of Malta. There are to extremes when it comes to the perceptions of Malta, the heavily built up areas with high-rise buildings and then there is the postcard of medieval ruins. No one sees Malta as a nation adapting to the current times.

Moodboard 2: Mono Mix Media

Similar to my initial concept back in Module 1,  I looked into photography combined with bold shapes. I really like the idea of mixed media. The contrast is very striking. Also, it has that surreal feel to it that it catches the viewers eyes. One may think it is a trendy style, but it is quite timeless. Looking back at the International Typographic Style back in the 30s and 40s, such style was already in use, and up till this day, such a style is still being used and adapted to fit the current eras. I like the idea of including photography as it makes the actual locations that I will document more recognisable.

Moodboard 3: Lace / Tile Design

The most ‘traditonal’ out of the five, but it can be interesting nonetheless. In this idea a what to highlight more the country’s artisanship and traditional crafts, like the ones I talked about in the previous week. It can be an interesting. Maybe even developing it further to the stamp collection. I could not find proper example to explain myself better for this idea. The concept here, should I go with this one, is on the illustrative side. I am looking at traditional lace pattern and other crafts involving paints and fabric. The final outcome would be designed in such a way that it would like it is either weaved or painted.  

Moodboard 4: Typescapes

I want to combine lettering and illustration in this moodboard. It can work both with photography as well as illustration. For a stamp design, it can work very well and I can also look at traditional Maltese lettering also to incorporate in this design. Such an idea also makes room for exploration of different colour schemes and explore different areas of the Maltese culture, besides the towns aesthetics.

Moodboard 5: Juxtapose Collage

This is purely photographic. The deal maker in this moodboard is the juxtaposition of different elemnts. Malta is ever-changing, both physically as well as culturally. And the surreal element highlights the fact that these changes are happening so quickly, not to mentioned the surreal times we are living in right now. My final outcome should I go with this idea would not be as busy in terms of design, but will try to create very contrasting imagery.

The Next Step

Following this initial exercise, I will be looking at the feedback given on the moodboards on the Ideas Wall. In conjunction with this I will look at my current research and I am considering creating a final ‘concept board’ where it sums up better my creative direction and also helps me in generating more relevant ideas as well as detailed sketches that I can make use of at different stages of the project.

Also, in conjunction with this stamp design, I was also thinking of including some promotional activities around it. Since it is a project aimed to promote different areas around Malta after all, I am considering creating some exploration activity around it also. I was looking into psycho-geography and orienteering activities. Maybe overlaying the design pattern on a map and follow the trail… or a QR code is embedded in the design. I still have to think this thoroughly though.


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