Working Together – In What Ways can We Work Together as Professionals from Different Industries.

Following onto the previous weeks, the theme and challenge for this week was to look at different global studios and see how they collaborate and work together as international studios and across a myriad of projects. Following the research, we were to think of ways of how we can bring together creatives as well as other professionals together and use that to spark potential collaborative opportunities. Lastly, we were to collate our conclusions in an elevator pitch. As per usual, first stop was at my faithful sketch/notebook and started scribbling.

In a nutshell, I had two solid ideas. The first was to create a directory for designers, currently named Unity Lab, although it is still a working title. The idea behind it was to have a hub for talents where people can find collaborators. In addition, for designers, this can double as a means to grow their connections within the design community as well as find employment opportunities.

The second idea is to create a virtual world for designers. Still need to come up with a fitting name for this one. Was thinking something along the lines of ‘The Creative Grid’ or ‘CRE8’ but don’t really cut it… The aim for this is to create an immersive networking experience as well as add a ‘fun factor’ to it. The world will be structured in such a way that members will have houses and grouping will be under ‘neighbourhoods’ and ‘districts’.

Below is my elevator pitch for the two ideas. Enjoy.


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