Promote and Test: Promo Video and Concluding the Module

Almost 3am… Just completed the presentation video, finally. Premiere Pro had a diva moment of course, but anyway….

It is hand-in week again and this marks the end of the second module of the course. It was a demanding module, but unlike the previous module, the tasks were more linked to one another so it was easier to manage and build up to the final task. As demanding as it was, I am really happy with the final outcomes of the tasks. I hope that you reader, fellow students and tutors alike enjoyed reading my posts here and on the Ideas Wall.

So as for this week’s task, the final outcome was to create a presentation video that showcases our proposal for a service design project we came up with in the previous weeks. Given that my idea was related to a fitness community, I figured that a “launch video” would be the most suitable outcome for this last week. With that said, in the video I also wanted to show that fitness goes beyond the walls of a gym and that is also beyond age. In fact, even if I did get many ideas from other well-known sports campaigns, I wanted to convey a softer tone as opposed to the usual bolder look-and-feel many sports brands promote. As explained in previous posts, the idea behind this project is to build a community, instead of just creating another fitness app or Youtube channel (read more about it here).

Below you can take a look at the video. You can of course, share it, as well as leave comments on this post. Peace out and see you in three weeks. Stay safe.


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