SUCCESS THROUGH UNITY: A Short note on the last LEcture of this Module

Amidst last-week jitters and reviewing all the work so far, it it is submission time soon again. That said, I thought I would write some thoughts about this week’s lecture and resources.

Upon watching the lecture, my first thought was that of how the large brands are monopolising the market. In fact I was unaware that large companies like Brand Union and Addison Group had united (along with another four or so companies) to become a mega powerhouse in the design industry. However, further into the lecture, I understood better that companies are joining forces for they see the potential and the skillset they have to offer to one another. Granted that there are indeed financial benefits in the process, but from a client’s perspective, having a ‘one-stop-shop’ where you have all the necessary business need met, is both efficient and a lot easier than having to chase five different contacts to get things done.

The second part of the lecture was very interesting to watch also. The projects that were presented were very inspiring indeed, both visually and conceptually. There is something about sports campaigns that are very visually striking. I think it is the fact that there is a lot of room for experimentation, and the fact that in sports there is a lot of energy and movement involved, that has to translate in the visuals of their campaigns. Whatever it is, I think the work presenting was very inspiring…

OK, now onto that presentation video. Ready for the home run…


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