Design and Develop – Part 2: A Short Note About Diversity…

According to Thought Catalog, as humans, we’re very intelligent, yet very confused creatures trying to understand and explain what is around us as we go along in our life. It can be said that there are four dominant personality traits – logical, artistic, social and spiritual. Everyone has these traits in their personality, only one of them usually dominates over the others. Science uses logic and words to explain what is around us objectively, whilst art communicates abstractions, such as emotions, ideas and experiences. On the one hand, science is easier to comprehend for it provides an answer (or solution) to a question or problem. On the other hand, art is subjective, which means that it is open to interpretation.

What I am trying to say here is that everyone in this world has something to offer to make the world a better place. As designers, we seek inspiration from all sorts of places. That said, we should also be a source of inspiration for each other. Which is why intercultural learning is important. I really liked the part about ‘intercultural learning’ in the lecture. In the lecture, both Collie and Lee mentioned the fact that it can be challenge, however I do believe that only through diversity (be it ethnic, cultural…), one can get a thorough overview of the perception of any given topic. It is through the different experiences people experience is what makes people unique yet connected. In addition, everyone can learn from each other. Moreover, as different people have different skills, collaborating with one another will ultimately result in a better end-product.

It was a relatively short post in comparison to the usual ones, but I think I got my point across. It is about time, now more than ever to start looking at humanity as a single entity. It is our diversity what makes the world a beautiful place. In the lecture, Lee and Collie talked about their projects ‘The Age of No Retirement’ and ‘Common Room’. Both are projects that bring about people from different walks of life together in one place and build new experiences together.


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