Getting back on track, or try to.

It has been a while since I posted something on the blog. Since this Coronavirus pandemic has taken over the entire world by storm, I got quite of track between office work and course work. Tension is in the air and up till a few days ago, my anxiety levels went through the roof. Not only because such an event is unprecedented but also because this time it hit home. Usually, such events are things that you hear in the news, or watch in a movie.

Never in a million years did I think that I would be living through an event which compares to World War Z or 28 Days Later. I guess we have to adapt. Now I am working from home, training at home., spending weekends at home… Adapting to a very new routine.

Hopefully this will be over soon… in the meantime, might as well starting putting back the missing pieces of this module back together….


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