Design And CURATE: Synopsis

Been need to upload this for a while. further to my previous post, below are my synopsis for the two essay ideas. I have also included transcripts for both. Hope you enjoy the presentations.

Idea 1: Maltese: The Latinised Semitic Language

As Malta was conquered multiple times from different rulers across Europe and North Africa, the Maltese language has a history as interesting as that of the Island’s culture.

The Maltese language is predominantly semitic, however it is not classified as a Semite because of the heavy influences of Romanesque and Anglo-saxon languages. In my research. I would be outlining the historical and linguistic aspect of how the language came to be, and also how the media is impacting the language, both written and spoken. In addition, I would like to see if the language is at risk of dying out, being a minority language.

Idea 2: What Goes on in the Shadows: An Analysis of the Evolution of Crime in Malta Through the Years.

Malta has always been considered one of the safest in the world – this is statistically proven. With that said, there are cases that have shook the nation over the course of time, even if the number is small. I will be looking at the works of crime historians to get a better picture of what is the crime scene in Malta. In addition, I would like to see whether the crime rate fluctuated and which crimes are more likely to be committed. The goal behind this research is not to mar Malta’s reputation of safety, but rather to show that vigilance is important at all times.


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