Halfway through the Second Module… already?!

I cannot believe that we are in the sixth week already. I have been juggling quite a few things over Christmas all through the first couple of months in 2020, to the point that I was barely keeping up. It was only last weekend that I managed to get up to speed… even though I still have to fix some things on the blog. But yeah, all things considered, now I am sorted more or less…

So far, this module consisted of a lot of visual documentation and research, rather than designing per se. Also, unlike the first module, the tasks are more linked to one another, which in a way it is good, as one builds the groundwork for the other. In addition, it worked a bit to my advantage, for considering how busy I was, I was able to compensate in between weeks by linking the research of a couple of weeks to put together the final outcome.

Ok, so… Week six it is. This week it is all about curating. This week’s lecture focused on publishing and different forms of documentation. Quite informative and inspiring. I really enjoyed watching the case study part – Richard Mosse’s Infra were he explained how he wen t about documenting the oppression in Congo and why he used infrared lenses to take the photos and videos. The interview with Andrew Sanigar – the Commissioning Editor for Thames and Hudson, also brought up some very valid points regarding generating ideas for publications and how publications have evolved over the course of time.

As for this week’s challenge, we are to come up with two essay proposals and write an elevator pitch for each one and see how we are going to proceed from there. I have a couple of ideas in mind…. I just need to get down and develop them into better ones and see which ones are worth delving deeper into.


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