A short note about visual writing and self publishing…

Can’t believe we are in Brief 2 already. Time is going by so fast. I have panned out the back log more or less, but it is still quite intense. So today I have gone through some of the material, including the lecture and some of the resource material given and also looked up some note on visual writing.

I really enjoyed watching the video of Adrian Shaughnessy presenting Unit Edition, his publication house for designers, by designers. I admired his passion and dedication in his work and how he along with Tony Brook and Patricia Finegan set up the company. Whilst he was showing some really inspiring work by various established designers through their publication I thought about how many sketchbook I have lying around from school days and beyond. In recent years, I do not sketch as much (although I do take a lot of notes for this course and do rough sketches at work as needs be), but I still keep a sketchbook handy.

I am wondering how would the people out there, both online and offline, would react if I were to publish parts of my sketchbooks. I did include some of my typographic work I did a blog post for the previous module (have a look at it here). Can be a cool side project, even if it is just a couple of Facebook posts…


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